Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As Co-Chairs, and on behalf of the Local Organising Committee of the World Down Syndrome Congress 2024, it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend WDSC 2024 in Brisbane, Australia.

This international conference brings together people with Down syndrome, family members, researchers and service providers to showcase the latest research and best practice as well as the lived experience of Down syndrome from around the world.

The Congress supports the ongoing agenda of Down Syndrome International: to improve quality of life for people with Down syndrome worldwide and promote their inherent right to be accepted and included as valued and equal members of their communities.

Preparations are well under way to deliver an educational and informative event that brings together leading international experts and advocates in a broad range of fields, as well as the opportunity to experience Australia with its unique wildlife and environment.

The Organising Committee is also preparing an exciting social program to bring you the best of Australian music, culture and cuisine.

Brisbane is a modern, dynamic and vibrant city with direct access to Australia’s top tourist attractions making it an ideal destination for touring before and after the Congress. It is home to world-class restaurants, a diverse nightlife and burgeoning music scene, stylish shops and urban art space.

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane!

Angus Graham
Angus Graham, OAM
Congress Co-Chair
Rhonda Faragher
Rhonda Faragher, AO
Congress Co-Chair