In 2018, Down Syndrome Australia launched a logo competition for people with Down Syndrome to design the logo for the Congress, which was originally to be held in 2022. A competition pack was developed which included a number of guidelines for competition entrants, which were later used as the selection criteria for a diverse judging panel. The guidelines were:

  1. Does the logo reflect our main messages, which are:
    • You and your community
    • Shine
    • Happiness and connections
  2. Does the logo include WDSC 2022?
  3. Does the story of their logo reflect the picture?
  4. Is the logo simple?
  5. Is the logo memorable?
  6. Personal connection/ response.

At DSA’s World Down Syndrome Day event 2019 which was hosted by Their Excellencies, Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove, Down Syndrome Australia was proud to announce the winners of the Brisbane World Down Syndrome Congress 2022 logo competition.

After an extensive world-wide search, Matt Hoori from Tasmania, Australia and Charlie French from Texas, USA were selected and elements from their designs were combined to produce this fabulous logo.


The logo has since been altered slightly to adjust from 2022 to the new year of 2024, as the Congress was postponed.